In a “Why we’re doing what we’re doing”, Editor Pete Mekeel explains:  “Since I took over as editor for the Lancaster New Era three months ago, I’ve heard from a few of you about some of the changes we’ve made to this page…

“Conservative?  You bet.  Partisan Republican?  Not every time.  There’s a difference, and we embrace it.”…

“If every columnist feels precisely the same about every issue, why bother having more than one columnist?  Considering viewpoints a little different from your own can be a healthy thing in a democracy, it seems to me.”…

WATCHDOG: Two wags of the tail!  We have noted the more factual and well reasoned level of New Era editorials over the past few months and have had scant cause to take strong issue.   Nevertheless, some of their syndicated columnists distort  facts and do little but rant.

Updated: October 6, 2011 — 10:40 am


  1. As compared to the New Era syndicated columnists that NEVER distort and NEVER rant??? IN YOUR DREAMS!!!

    Both pages have their fair share of ‘home-teamers’ that push the envelop over the edge.

    My question is…if Jim Burchik is the editorial page editor, and if Jim and Jack Brubaker write the ‘vast majority’ of the editorials…..what the heck does Pete Mekeel do as editor???

    The combined Intel/New era is a decidedly “progressive/liberal’ newspaper with the reporting staff and local ‘colmunists’ far more left-leaning than right-leaning, which is odd considering the Republicsan majority in Lancaster county. Perhaps LNP prefers to market to the city demographics rather than the broader county. Just wondering

  2. For over 5 years now, pop has not had the mind to manage his own money or other affairs, as the doctors will attest to. Yet, people of unscrupulous minds continue coming to him for a hand out, such as the ministers of the Ephrata United Zion Church, use to be Akron United Zion Church.

    Now that they know they can get easy pickings from him, they come 3 or 4 times a month, yet in pop’s mind they only come once a month. The ministers know pop will give them a few hundred dollars each time they come so they started coming 3 or 4 times a month for a easy hand out.

    Pop gave them 5000 dollars at two different times, according to what pop said, plus the 200 to 500 each time they come, milking him for whatever they can get.

    When told of his actions, pop’s, he said to take Ephrata United Zion Church out of the will, but his daughter told him they are in the will and will still get the —- that is in the will.

    What can be done about such vultures..?

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