Lancaster General Community Benefit Report

To the writer asking for specifics about Lancaster General, go visit Lancaster General Hospital’s website. While not the most convenient site on the planet, it has a link to something they call “Lancaster General Community Benefit Report.” It’s at

I get a copy in the mail every year. The fall report has information about all of the outreach programs the hospital does every year. On page 19 of the spring edition, since you questioned about taxes, it notes that Lancaster General Hospital gave $1.2 million to the School District of Lancaster and another $1.2 million to Lancaster City. And they pay taxes on most of the other buildings it has throughout the county.

They’re the best “taxpayer” the city has. Not sure why this is not reported in or elsewhere. (Editor’s note: NewsLanc has reported it.)

By the way, I’d rather see Lancaster General Hospital re-invest its profits into new buildings and medical technology in our community, creating jobs in our city, than to throw it to investors on Wall Street!
