Lancaster Farm milks methane for all it’s worth

 Intelligencer Journal New Era:  When rock band Bon Jovi goes on tour and Ben & Jerry’s makes its famous ice cream, they lower their carbon footprint thanks to dairy cows in Lancaster County.

 That’s because Brubaker Farms outside Mount Joy takes the manure from 750 dairy cows and converts the methane gas it generates into enough renewable electricity to power 150 to 200 homes.

In addition to trapping methane — a global-warming gas — the process creates electricity that doesn’t have to be generated by a fossil-fuel power plant. That saves carbon dioxide, another head-trapping gas, from being released into the atmosphere….

Though the family cares about the environment, Brubaker said that when he, his brother, Tony, and his father, Luke, decided to invest in the manure digester system two years ago, it was primarily a business decision.  (more)
