Kerry Says US Will Sign UN Arms Treaty, Ignores Congressional Opposition

NEWS MAX: … [Sec. of State John Kerry released a written statement on Monday saying the U.S. “welcomes” the next phase for the treaty, which the U.N. General Assembly approved on April 2 but which gun rights advocates on Capitol Hill fear could lead to new gun control measures domestically, reports Fox News…
The treaty would reportedly require countries that ratify it to establish national guidelines to govern the transfer of conventional arms and components and to regulate arms brokers.

Supporters of gun rights have warned that it could be used as the basis for more gun control measures in the U.S… (more)


1 Comment

  1. Mr. Kerry can sign until his pen runs dry. I’m sure readers know US treaties must be ratified by the Senate before they have any force. In addition, the US already regulates gun sales and has for many years although some have argued for increased regulation.

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