Keeping the merry go round going

It has been so long since I have heard the word “revitalization.” What happened with that direction? As I drive through Lancaster City I am seeing all the corners redone to accommodate disabilities. The few restaurants and shops are struggling more than those outside of the City due to the economy.

Real estate sales that were brisk months back are absolutely stale. Looming in the background is the over anxious investors that want this ‘child’ to be born; the pregnancy is well overdue. Unfortunately the marketing team of the hotel and convention center are coming up with events and bookings that will not generate big spenders.

Out in the county the old Holiday Inn is in trouble; tourism and meetings are way down.

As the economy tightens, crime rises, seniors and event goers to the Fulton question night trips to the City.

All the money being poured into the Home Rule situation is due to the desperate special interest groups that need to keep the merry go round going. Unfortunately the money from Harrisburg is drying up; yet the Chamber as well as some of the Lancaster Alliance members need to keep the ball rolling. The tax payer is
going to get the shaft royally one way or the other.

Where has all the conservative Lancaster County people gone? Is this recession/depression going to wake them up?
