Karl Rove de facto supplants Michael Steele

As this election unfolds the irrelevance of Michael Steele and the RNC becomes more and more evident.  Karl Rove and his groups are playing the role the party usually pays.  The Dems get a small surge in support and Rove spends big to blunt the impact, stop their progress.  Fascinating and depressing to watch.


1 Comment

  1. Absolutely and much of the money is being spent by these off line Republican groups do not have to report where their money is coming from because they are considered not for profit educational service organizations, i.e., making the world a better place to live in. This is due, no doubt, to the superior, (“attack their strength”) world view of Karl Rove, who founded one of these groups (American Crossroads), Ed Gillespie, and the entire anvil chorus of hard nosed naysayers in the Republican party.

    For this great public service, contributions to these organizations are tax exempt and the identities of the donors are private. When the public does not know where the funding is actually coming from they are deprived of making critical decisions especially about whose vested interests are being served by the hundreds of millions of dollars in TV ads, telephone calls, and direct mail saturation campaigns.

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