Kane Denied Bench Recusal, Quashal of Charges


LEGAL INTELLIGENCER: Attorney General Kathleen Kane’s bid to have the Montgomery County Court of Common Pleas bench recused from her case, as well as a number of other motions she sought, have been denied….

In her March 4 omnibus motion, Kane had argued that three Montgomery County judges have an interest in her case, so the whole bench should recuse. She also said that the evidence and testimony gathered by the 35th Statewide Investigating Grand Jury should be quashed, because the grand jury was unlawful. She said the charges against her should be quashed because the Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office did not provide a bill of particulars, and because the counts were duplicative and multiplicative…

In the one remaining item, which Demchick-Alloy deferred, Kane argued her charges should be quashed as they were the result of a “selective and vindictive prosecution.” Decision on that item has been deferred until after argument on Kane’s March 18 supplemental motion, which asked for permission to file that part of the motion under seal. Her original omnibus motion redacted that argument… (more)




