Kane: Attorneys cooperating with Montgomery DA in investigation

PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE COLUMN: In her first public comments in months, Attorney General Kathleen Kane acknowledged Tuesday that her attorneys met with a district attorney investigating her for leaking secret information to a newspaper…

Kane spoke about the investigation into her actions during a news conference at which she announced hundreds of criminal charges against former Harrisburg Mayor Stephen R. Reed for allegedly using public money to build his collection of historical artifacts. …

Asked whether she believes she will be charged in a case linked to an alleged grand jury leak, perjury and a cover-up, Kane said that is up to [District Attorney Risa Vetri ] Ferman. Asked whether she would resign if charged, Kane said simply, “No… (more)

EDITOR: The Tribune and its prestigious columnist got egg on their face by their following the lead of the compromised Philadelphia Inquirer and called for Kane’s resignation. LNP foolishly followed suit. Its lawyer publisher, a member of its editorial board, should have known better.

The Inquirer and Tribune continue to regurgitate the same rumors and innuendos, although to date Kane hasn’t been even charged with anything. Even if true, the leaking of obscure information from a five year old grand jury report is so petty that at most it calls for some sort of reprimand.

This is a political vendetta, pure and simple. What should be investigated by reputable newspapers throughout the country is why the Inquirer would turn on its own confidential informer. Reporters are willing to go to prison rather than do that. The Inquirer, now a skeleton of its old self due to financial difficulties and management tumult, seeks to regain its reputation for investigation on the cheap and at Kane’s expense..
