Justice Dept. to appeal judge’s order on Plan B pill

USA TODAY:  The Justice Department said late Wednesday that it is appealing a U.S. judge’s order that lifted all age limits on buying the Plan B “morning-after” birth control pill without a prescription.

The appeal, along with a request for an injunction, would not affect the Food and Drug Administration’s decision Tuesday to allow the emergency contraceptive to be sold without a prescription to women and girls at least 15 years old…

Korman had given the FDA until May 5 to lift all age limits on Plan B and a cheaper generic, made by Israel-based Teva Pharmaceutical Industries. He ordered that the emergency contraceptives should be sold over the counter, like aspirin…  (more)

 EDITOR:   Yes to making the pills readily and confidentially available to pregnant teen-agers.   No to having the pills sitting out on shelves.  It seems like a prudent compromise. 

We believe most fifteen year old girls would not be deterred for asking for the pills or asking an older friend or relative to obtain the pills for them.   No fertilization has taken place by ‘the morning after’ so this should not be a religious issue.
