June Jobs Report: U.S. Adds 80,000 Jobs; Unemployment Rate Unchanged

HUFFINGTON POST:   U.S. employers added only 80,000 jobs in June, a third straight month of weak hiring that shows the economy is struggling three years after the recession ended.

The Labor Department said Friday that the unemployment rate was unchanged at 8.2 percent.

The economy has added just 75,000 jobs a month in the April-June quarter. That’s one-third of 226,000 a month created in the first quarter. Job creation is also trailing last year’s pace through the first six months of 2012…   (more)


1 Comment

  1. But at least jobs were created. I’ve been reading the various political bullshit that Romney has been throwing out about how he can do better. I want to know how he thinks he can do better when he is, himself, considered unemployed.

    I get that people think things are bleak because so few jobs were created in the second quarter of the year, but a few is better than none at all. Considering we are still in a recession and we are very slowly re-emerging from it, I’d rather see a few new jobs being created than none at all or even more being eliminated.

    People need to start remembering that it doesn’t take a long time for things to collapse, but it *does* take time to rebuild. There’s a reason that the saying “Rome wasn’t built in a day” was created. What people tend to forget is that it did collapse fast. Time and continuous rebuilding of our economy and job market is the best way to go. The only thing I would love to see is the government stepping in and taxing the rich, putting the pinch on oil companies that are making billions of dollars while the American people are struggling to pinch two pennies together to pay for the exhuberant cost of gas just to get to work. One shouldn’t have to spend 1/3 of their paycheck on the cost of gas just to get TO work. At the rate things were going with oil companies and the price of gas rising, we would end up having to pay our employers to work for them, rather than being paid by them.

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