Judge rejects delay in Jerry Sandusky’s sex abuse trial

USA TODAY:    A Pennsylvania judge rejected a renewed request to delay the child sex abuse case of former Penn State University football assistant coach Jerry Sandusky, setting the stage for jury selection in the trial set to begin on June 5…

Two of the witnesses, former Penn State athletic director Tim Curley and former university vice president Gary Schultz, have notified Amendola that they will invoke their Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination. Both men are charged with perjury in a related case for allegedly lying to a state grand jury about what they were told of Sandusky’s alleged activities in a 2001 incident involving a 10-year-old boy in a university training facility.

If Curley and Schultz do not testify, [Defense attorney Joe] Amendola said, he will “be unable to present an adequate defense to these charges.” …  (more)
