Jon Stewart savages New York Times reporting on Marco Rubio’s finances

POLITICO: …On Tuesday, the Times published an article headlined “Marco Rubio’s Career Bedeviled by Financial Struggles,” referencing in it Rubio’s purchase of an $80,000 “luxury speedboat” as he continued to face outstanding debts. Rubio spokesperson Alex Conant told POLITICO the same day that the vessel is an offshore fishing boat. The same Times report also found that Rubio used $100,000 from an $800,000 payment to write his book “An American Son” to pay off his student loans.

“You bastard! Paying off law school loans? How dare you. At long last, senator, have you no sense of insolvency?” Stewart deadpanned…

“Oh sh—! Marco Rubio got … 4 tickets! In … 17 years! I assume The New York Times obtained this damning information from Marco Rubio’s plaque in the ‘Hall of Best Miami Drivers Ever,’” Stewart cracked… (more)

EDITOR: Stewart is right. The article was unworthy of the Times. We sensed that but did not think to say so. Our bad.
