John Kerry and John McCain: Once friends, now foes

POLITICO COLUMN: When John Kerry was nominated to be Secretary of State in early 2013, his confirmation was never in real doubt. After all, he had a glowing endorsement from one of Barack Obama’s most withering critics.

“I commend his nomination to you without reservation,” Republican Senator John McCain told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee at the time. Personally introducing his old friend and colleague at the start of his confirmation hearing, McCain raved about Kerry’s “exemplary statesmanship” and “indefatigable persistence.”
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Lately, McCain has sounded less like a friend than a foe. In recent months he has branded Kerry a “human wrecking ball,” urged him to “recognize reality,” called him “delusional” and said he has “accomplished nothing except mileage as secretary of state.” Last month, for good measure, he suggested that he considers Iran’s Supreme Leader a more believable source on the nuclear talks than Kerry… (more)
