John Boehner Blamed For Shutdown In New ‘Temper Tantrum’ Ad To Air During Sunday Football

HUFFINGTON POST: ….The spot by House Majority PAC, a Democratic super PAC, features a close-up of a baby crying, with a narrator saying, “Speaker John Boehner didn’t get his way on shutting down health care reform. So, he’s shut down the government and hurt the economy.”..

“Speaker Boehner didn’t get his way and so, like a child, he threw a Tea Party-inspired temper tantrum and shut down the federal government,” said Andy Stone, communications director of House Majority PAC. “The American people are sick and tired of the intransigence and manufactured crises that have become all too common from Speaker Boehner and the House Republicans. Speaker Boehner should stop playing politics, end the nonsense and finally focus on the real-life consequences his government shutdown has caused Americans.”..

Meanwhile, the Revive America PAC, a conservative group, has been running an ad on cable news attempting to spark a grassroots campaign to “fire” Boehner. But more established conservative groups, such as the Senate Conservatives Fund, Club for Growth and Heritage Action Fund, are standing by Boehner and his strategy… (more)

EDITOR: Speaker Boehner will not allow the House of Representative to vote on the Senate version of the bill to fund the government.



  1. Maybe the American people are just as sick and tired of Obama’s “my way or the highway” arrogance!!!! This President has done more to foster divisiveness within Washington and across this country than any other President in history. Bar none.

    EDITOR: We respectfully disagree.

  2. Perhaps readers would like to know, of all prior presidents, whom, in Newslanc’s opinion, has caused more divisiveness than Mr. Obama?

    EDITOR: The most obvious is George W. Bush. Moving back in time, Richard Nixon. We perceive President Obama as the victim of an extreme right wing movement as well as latent racism, although the two are not necessarily always combined. How else can we explain the visceral hatred we encounter in otherwise rationale individuals including friends and family?

    We detested “W” but we never felt hatred for him. Our opposition was reasoned, not emotional. History proved us correct HIstory will prove the Obama haters wrong.

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