Joe Sestak’s last stand against the Democratic Party Bosses

POLITICO:   …There’s no ideological civil war underway here. No, this is all personal — just former Navy Adm. Joe Sestak making his last stand against Democratic Party leaders who’ve been trying to sink him for six years and counting.

On paper, Sestak is about everything Democrats could want in a Senate candidate: a charismatic, decorated veteran elected to the House from a swing district who nearly defeated Republican Pat Toomey in 2010, one of the toughest election years for Democrats in decades…

But the independent streak that attracts voters is precisely what worries national Democrats so much about Sestak: They believe, for the second time since 2010, that he could blow a winnable Senate race because of his tendency to reject the slightest hint of marching orders from party bosses. Sestak is the first to admit he likes doing things his way, and party leaders quickly tired of constantly being told, in so many words, to take a hike…  (more)


EDITOR: Politico only has it half right.

The Obama administration and especially Chuck Schumer, “Senator from Wall Street”, have never forgiven Sestak for running and beating Arlen Specter in the 2010 primary. Sestak, then a Congressman, had been urged to run for the Senate. But when the sordid deal was made for Specter to switch back after three decades to become a Democrat, the party wanted Sestak to step aside. That was neither fair or reasonable Nor would the by then unpopular Specter have beaten Pat Toomey.  

Yet Sestak came close to winning despite 2010 being a Republican rout across the nation, sweeping the House and Senate.  This year Sestak, and only Sestak, has a good chance of winning.

Chuck Schumer would rather lose than have someone who won’t take orders from him win.  That might not be good for his Wall Street constituents.    Very sad.



  1. It’s a toss up right now as to which of the three I’ll vote for. I’m leaning towards Sestak or McGinty. Sestak is a Democrat and supports policies and programs that Democrats support. An independent streak doesn’t bother me.

  2. I am in awe of Sestak’s record of accomplishment. His gravitas is sorely needed in the Senate.

  3. Union labor made America after World War II. Virtually every benefit you get from your company is based on hard fought Union negotiations through the years. Enjoy your Holidays, vacations, health benefits, weekends off, 40 hour work week and safe work practices. If you do not have these things, you should. And you should stop voting Republican.

  4. Toomey votes party line with no regard to his constituents! Sestak is my first choice, but blue is my color this year. After watching the obstruction in Washington, and Harrisburg… We must shift to the left to make progress !

  5. Alexis, Joe and I have had similar experiences — watching our own children get brain cancer. Joe had great health care through his pay and benefits package as a government employee. I got a “notice of cancellation” letter between my son’s second and third brain surgeries. That kind of stress is what Obamacare went a long way towards eliminating.

  6. Sestak gets my vote. Screw the party establishment. I am a Veteran proud to support Admiral Joe!

  7. …He doesn’t vote against coal all the time like McGinty. Coal probably powers and/or heats around half the homes in Pennsylvania. That’s why I cannot vote for McGinty. But I would take Sestak or Fetterman over Toomey.

  8. I want a lot of things but will never have them. Health care is a right and providing some sort of health care is morally right. If you die because you have no health care or cannot afford health care that is morally wrong.

  9. Toomey represents Alabama more than Pennsylvania. His idea of leadership is to just say no again and again. He has not done one damn thing for Pennsylvania.

  10. Health care is not a right. Where is it in the Bill Of Rights. oh thats right it is NOT there. I am damn tired of subsidizing other peoples healthcare when I have to pay for my own as well..

  11. Toomey has voted against every pro-vet bill. He’s done nothing for PA, NOTHING. Listen to your fellow Pennsylvanians that have benificial experience with Obama care. Turn off faux.

  12. Anne, if you ever have the terror of hearing ‘your child has brain cancer,’ you’ll be glad for a politician who gets what that feels like. It’s part of his life story. Part of being a politician is sharing one’s life story. Everyone does it. This particular part makes many people uncomfortable, because brain cancer is uniquely terrifying. But I’m glad that that terror informs his judgments about public policy.

  13. I love it when those running for public office like to blame their short comings on other elected officials. They blame the establishment, they yell ” my own party is picking on me”….When I hear this I think there has to be more of a reason they are not accepted then what they are saying…..You just don’t go to Washington and have enemies “just like that”…….

    Sorry Obama has done a lot for this country, brought us out of recession, lower unemployment, the minimum wages are being raised in many states because Obama keeps pushing. Some of you fault him on ISIS, it is going to take time to bring ISIS to their knees, and from what I have been hearing on the news each and everyday we the USA is scoring big wins against ISIS.

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