Joe Biden Shocked by GOP Letter to Iran. We too.

POLITICO: …With Republicans needing significant Democratic support to achieve their goal of derailing the talks — or at least altering the emerging deal — some senators said Cotton’s effort could backfire by injecting excessive partisanship into the debate over how best to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran…

Vice President Joe Biden issued his own strongly worded statement late Monday, saying the letter “is beneath the dignity of an institution I revere.”

“In 36 years in the United States Senate,” Biden said, “I cannot recall another instance in which senators wrote directly to advise another country — much less a longtime foreign adversary — that the president does not have the constitutional authority to reach a meaningful understanding with them.” … (more)

EDITOR: In over sixty years of observing national, we have never encountered anything like it either.

How could forty-seven Republican senators so disgrace themselves and the Senate by ignoring the separation of powers under the Constitution and allowing their animus of the president to prejudice them against a treaty that hasn’t been concluded nor to which have anyone but key Senate committee chairs and ranking members been privy.

The message is the Republican party has lost its moorings in American democracy and is unfit to assume the presidency.
