Joe Biden isn’t not running for president.

POLITICO: …That’s not a typo: Hillary Clinton is about to kick off her campaign, and the vice president has taken no steps to run, or to figure out a real plan for what happens if he doesn’t. But he’s not out of the race, either.

Biden ran for the Democratic nomination in 1988 and again in 2008, and has said he’ll announce this summer whether he’s going to try again. His family is vacillating, aides say. Close advisers say they are so in the dark about what’s in his head that some think he might blow past that self-imposed summer deadline, or even December, or even later, just letting the question hang.

Early-state Biden loyalists are getting anxious. Staffers are trying to hold them off, while quietly staying in the loop with the Democratic National Committee about possible primary debate schedules. They acknowledge that reworking his travel plans in February to put him in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina in the space of a week might have looked a little too eager… (more)

EDITOR: Biden has been proven right on Iraq. For years he advocated partition into Kurdish, Shiite and Sunni regions. He has been involved in all aspects of the presidency. Hillary needs an opponent for a vigorous primiary campaign. Go Joe, go!
