Joe Biden’s still biding

POLITICO: Late last week, as the political world was waiting for Hillary Clinton’s announcement tweet, Vice President Joe Biden put out word he’d speak to the New Democrat Coalition PAC. He accepted the invitation that had been lingering for a while, but insisted: he wanted reporters there to hear what he had to say.

If Biden were going for another presidential run, this retreat for the PAC supporting a 46-member, nationwide caucus of moderate Democratic House members and leaders from the businesses that fund them could have been the soft launch. Speaking to the people who came for a long weekend at a Chesapeake Bay resort hotel here, he strung his speech through what could have been a series of Biden-y campaign slogans: “We’re on the cusp of a genuine, genuine resurgence,” he said. Then later, as he ran through the history of Republican opposition to President Barack Obama’s stimulus, financial regulations and the rest of his economic policy, “They were wrong — you were right.”

But Biden isn’t running for president—at least not yet, and as far as both the people with actual insight think and those that are just guessing assume, probably not at all… (more)
