Job market shrugs off winter chill, leaving experts feeling rather sunny

ALJAZEERA: …The Labor Department reported 175,000 jobs were created in February. That’s more than economists had forecast and the biggest gain in employment growth since November. The big question before the release was how much the nasty winter weather affected the economy and job creation…

“Given the broad-based evidence that weather was impacting activity, the better-than-expected gain in jobs is as good a signal as any that the economy is maintaining its resilience,” said James Marple, Senior Economist at TD Economics…

“We need to pick up the pace of growth,” [Labor Secretary Tom Perez] told Al Jazeera’s Real Money with Ali Velshi. “And one of the best ways to pick up the pace of growth is to address the issue of consumption. Economists say consumption is upwards of two-thirds of GDP, and what that means is you have to put money in people’s pockets.” … (more)
