Jerry Sandusky Called A ‘Likely Pedophile’ By Psychologist In 1998


Penn State police were warned Jerry Sandusky fit the profile of a pedophile in 1998, an internal memo revealed.

[Psychologist Alycia] Chambers Chambers reported the incident to the Pennsylvania child abuse line and wrote a detailed report for the Penn State police. In it, she concludes that Sandusky’s actions matched those of a “likely pedophile”:

“My consultants agree that the incidents meet all of our definitions, based on experience and education, of a likely pedophile’s pattern of building trust and gradual introduction of physical touch, within a context of a ‘loving,’ ‘special’  relationship. One colleague who has contact with the Second Mile confirms that Mr. Sandusky is reasonably intelligent and thus, could hardly have failed to understand the way his behavior would be interpreted, if known. His position at the Second Mile and his interest in abused boys would suggest that he was likely to have had knowledge with regard to child abuse and might even recognize this behavior as typical pedophile ‘overture.’ “ …

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: It becomes more evident every day that former attorney general and now  governor  Tom Corbett made Coach Joe Paterno the scape goat for what the university authorities and Corbett allowed to continue to take place.  It was Paterno’s selfless dedication to the university that prevented him from striking back to defend himself.
