Jeb Bush Now Says ‘I Would Not Have Gone Into Iraq’

NBC NEWS: …”Here’s the deal: If we’re all supposed to answer hypothetical questions, knowing what we know now, what would you have done, I would have not engaged. I would not have gone into Iraq,” he said at a town hall event in Tempe, Arizona.

Bush added that the world is still safer because of the ouster of Saddam Hussein and that the troop “surge” late in the war was a “courageous effort” that created stability in the region.
The likely GOP presidential candidate also said that he was initially reluctant to say he would not have supported the war because he does not want to take away from the sacrifices made by troops who lost their lives in the conflict… (more)

EDITOR: His father was one of our better president. His brother, was arguably our worst.

We think Jeb Bush is smart, reasonable and strong. No, we are not endorsing him for president. But if it is to be a Republican, he would be a good choice.
