Jason Richwine Resigns From Heritage Foundation After Dissertation Controversy

HUFFINGTON POST: …”Superior performance on basic economic indicators is to be expected from later generations, who go to American schools, learn English, and become better acquainted with the culture,” he wrote [in his . “Despite built-in advantages, too many Hispanic natives are not adhering to standards of behavior that separate middle and working class neighborhoods from the barrio.”

“There can be little dispute that post 1965-immigration has brought a larger and increasingly visible Hispanic underclass to the United States, yet the underlying reasons for its existence cannot be understood without considering IQ,” he wrote [in his 2009 doctoral dissertation for Harvard.]

He argued that these individuals were more likely to accept government benefits. “When given the choice between a paycheck from a low-paying job and a welfare check, most intelligent people would realize that the welfare check offers them no potential for advancement. Low-IQ people do not internalize that fact nearly as well,” he wrote… (more)

EDITOR: Harvard seems to be a much bigger problem than Richwine.
