Jack Kevorkian Dead: Assisted Suicide Advocate Dies At Age 83


Dr. Jack Kevorkian, the controversial assisted suicide advocate, has died at a Detroit-area hospital at the age of 83.

Kevorkian’s attorney and friend, Mayer Morganroth, told The Associated Press that he died early Friday morning at William Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, where Kevorkian had been hospitalized for kidney and respiratory problems.

“He says nurses played classical music by Kevorkian’s favorite, Johan Sebastian Bach, before he died,” the AP reports…

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EDITOR: Kevorkian fought for the right of individuals to make a rational decision to end their tormented lives in a dignified manner. Many agree with him. Note the following:

“Voters in Zurich, Switzerland, have rejected proposed bans on assisted suicide and ‘suicide tourism’.

“Some 85% of the 278,000 votes cast opposed the ban on assisted suicide and 78% opposed outlawing it for foreigners, Zurich authorities said.”

It is one thing to advocate a cause through speech and writing.  It is another to sacrifice liberty  to deliver a message.   In that regard,  Dr. Jack Kevorkian was a martyr and a hero.  Whether we agree withi him or not, he brought an important subjectd to the publics attention.    May his memory be for a blessing.
