Its time for Gov. Corbett to be investigated

[In response to  “Did Gov. Tom Corbett sacrifice Penn State to avoid investigations”

It is about time! Corbett accepts $640,000 in campaign contributions from donors of The Second Mile (the same donors tied to a Phila pedophile ring), delayed the investigation and prosecution of Jerry Sandusky for three years (until after his election as Gov.), and then frames Paterno as the bad guy.

Paterno had refused to support Corbett in his bid for Governor. Corbett lead the charge to have Paterno fired. In fact, rented the room in Penn State 8 days prior to the firing of Joe Paterno where he held a celebration, following the firing.

Conspiracy theory? Nope. Those are the real facts!

The 1998 incident was investigated by state agencies – no charges filed. Joe Paterno reported the 2001 incident reported to him by grad student to his athletic director and head of campus security. He was found guilty of no wrong doing by the Grand Jury.

These accusations against Joe Paterno are all about dirty politics, sex, powerful people, and pedophilia! In addition, why would Corbett then provide a $3M grant to The Second Mile charity he knew he was investigating, and is tied to a pedophilia ring out of Phila?

When you start looking at the FACTS, there are a lot of unanswered questions, not the least of – why has Governor Corbett failed to step down from the PSU Boared of Trustees, despite a call from him to do so, if he has nothing to hide? He who has nothing to hide, hides nothing!
