Israel’s ‘Iron Dome’ deflects deadly barrage

ALJAZEERA:  The battle between Israel and Gaza has always been lopsided – an on-again, off-again war between a professional army with American-made fighter jets and drones, and militias firing unguided and largely homemade rockets.

The Israeli army said on Tuesday night that Iron Dome has shot down about 400 rockets since the Gaza operation was launched. Haimovich would not give the programme’s success rate, but an army spokesman said last week more than 90 percent of its targets were successfully shot down – a figure that is impossible to independently verify.

“The system broadened, in some respect, the freedom of the IDF,” said retired Gen. Shlomo Brom, referring to the Israeli army. “We can take decisions that are not under stress, that are not under the pressure of public opinion.?   …  (more)
