Israel Warns US About Russian Arms Sale to Syria

NEWSMAX:  Israel warned the United States in recent days that Russia plans to sell advanced ground-to-air missile systems to Syria despite Western pressure on Moscow to hold off on such a move, the Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday.

The newspaper said U.S. officials had confirmed they were analyzing the Israeli reports but would not comment on whether they believed the sale of S-300 missile batteries was near.

No comment was immediately available from officials at the Pentagon or U.S. State Department.

The government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has been seeking to purchase the advanced S-300 missile batteries, which can intercept both manned aircraft and guided missiles, from Moscow for many years…  (more)

EDITOR:   Is the Syrian civil war to become another Spanish Civil War with each side acting as proxies for the testing of weaponry by the super powers?  What a tragedy if it does.
