Is twenty-five years punishment enough for Lisa Lambert?

For those not familiar with the case from 1991, we refer you to todays’ LNP article “In a killer’s words: Lisa Michelle Lambert, nearly 25 years since Laurie Show’s murder, claims innocence in new book.”

We did not follow the original trial of Lisa Lambert but we did when a federal court judge scathingly criticized her prosecution and released her from prison. Subsequently his decision was reversed and she was returned to prison.

But whatever her role, whatever the facts, a quarter century has gone by.

We realize letting her out of prison won’t go well with many here in Lancaster County.  Understandably high local passion has always played a role in this case. And, as we recall from the time of her brief release, the newspapers and community came down very hard on the Philadelphia federal judge.

The matter became highly politicized.

No matter the extent of her guilt, if Lambert has exhibited good behavior in prison (other than to protest her innocence which we believe should be her right), we suggest that she be considered as a candidate for probation.   A quarter of a century is a long time to allow a young girl to mature.







  1. This is the problem with justice in the U.S., a rule is never a rule. A 10 year sentence is really 4 years, 6 months. A drunk driver has to be arrested 5 times before they’re put in jail. Convicts are released because taxpayers don’t want to spend more money on prisons.

    Why are there so many criminals? Because they know some Americans can’t make the hard, necessary decisions and the victims are ancient history. Pathetic.

  2. Why don’t you run that by her mother? As in ALL murder cases…..they have taken the LIFE of another; not 15, 20, 30 years away. Why should she be given the benefit of anything?

  3. If your 16 year old daughter was murdered would you want her killer released?

  4. Laurie Show’s life was brutally taken from her. I don’t think 25 years comes close to making amends for this horrific crime.

  5. She deserves a lifetime behind bars! She took the life of a young girl, brutally. Good behavior or not…she should not be released.

  6. I would settle for life with no parole and an end to her getting any press,

  7. Too bad the victims of horrendous crimes don’t get a second chance. Victims pay for the rest of their life. Some pay with their life. RIP Lori. She will never have a second chance at anything.

  8. Maybe for some, but not this girl. No remorse, no acknowledgment of her culpability in 25 years….that alone shows 25 years has NOT been enough time for a “young girl to mature.” Plus, the way this murder was premeditated and with the degree of cruelty and malice with which it was carried out make me fear for public safety if she were released.

  9. No way. Should have got the death penalty.

  10. No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. She needs to stop blaming others for her actions! She had just as much responsibility in this as the others. She is not an innocent victim like she wants us all to believe. She needs to stay where she is!

  12. Why is anyone giving her attention!!! No she deserves nothing,what about Lori,her parents,her friends all that luved her…She is the one that deserves to be remembered!!!NOT A MURDER,BUT OBVIOUSLY EVERYONE DOESN’T GET IT…

  13. I’m with you. She does not deserve press time. Now, she has written a book! Really? She is fine where she is & that’s where she should stay.

  14. The only people whose opinion should matter is the Show family. The rest of us not so much.

  15. Are you kidding me?? NOOO

  16. She needs life… full time…. she should have gotten death pen.

  17. A lot of unforgiving folks. I’m glad Jesus forgives all sin . My Christian faith would command me to forgive.

  18. She is a cold blooded killer who will not take responsibility for her role in this she should stay in jail

  19. Heck no. She should not be released in society. She took a young girls life who had a future… She should rot in prison.

  20. I believe people change, but there is no excuse for what she, Tabitha Buck, & Lawrence Yunkin did. But does Lisa Michelle Lambert know that Lawrence was also sleeping with Tabitha. If you ask me he should’ve never got released early. He should’ve got life too.

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