Is ‘tough love’ the best approach to Haitian aid?

The Associated Press reports that“…the U. S Congress has put up another obstacle to delivering the $1.15 billion in reconstruction money it promised back in March.  The State Department still has to prove the money won’t be stolen or misused – not an easy task in a country notorious for corruption.”

A recent conversation with a high aid executive working in Haiti gives added credibility to Congress’ demands.  Rather than cooperating and facilitating the work of aid organizations from throughout the world, what semblance of a government exist preys upon their resources and obstructs their work.

Haiti has long been a failed society, considered the second most impoverished nation in the world.  Perhaps the best service the various organizations and the U. S. government can be to the nation is to withdraw all aid unless and until a government is formed in the interest of promoting the well being of the nation.

There are plenty of other needy causes in the world where the money and human resources can be put to more effective use.


1 Comment

  1. Haiti will not be able to sustain itself for decades. Humanitarian efforts should focus on the support of refugees leaving the country.

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