Is there any good news?

Americans are being held hostage with fear. No jobs, decreasing funds for the poorest adults and children, and after all the emphasis on education, cutting in half the funding for state colleges.

Hey, Mr. Politician, what are you willing to cut….how about getting rid of per diem pay to begin with, revisit expense accounts and privileges that go with that money….let’’s take a close look at the pension provided for politicians and the fact that they are excluded from the Obama health care plan.

With six homes and millions of dollars, McCain still collects Social Security which he does not need. Perhaps others who do not need the Social Security help should consider not taking Social Security.

One political party points the finger at the other political party saying “government spending is out of control”. We already knew that as we as taxpayers are paying the bill. In addition, they ARE the government so why not say “your politicians are throwing your money out the window. And now YOU as taxpayers must ante up.”

Please, some one, where is the good news?
