Is the FTC doing enough to stop those mysterious hotel ‘resort fees’?

WASHINGTON POST: …A peek behind the curtains in the resort-fee drama suggests neither side is entirely correct. The government is, indeed, concerned about resort fees, which are mandatory surcharges added to your hotel bill for everything from use of the hotel gym to pool towels. These extras are usually disclosed after an initial price quote but before you pay for your room. Critics say the sleight-of-hand makes it difficult for travelers to effectively comparison shop and pressures hotels to pile on even more hidden fees, in an effort to appear to be the best deal online.

Federal watchdogs have taken small steps to deal with these controversial charges. But have they done enough?

No one knows exactly how much money hotels extract from resort guests in fees. A recent study by New York University found that hotels and resorts collected $2.25 billion in surcharges last year, but the number includes other add-ons. We do know that virtually no hotels disclose the fees in their initial online rate quotes. At best, you have to click to another screen to get the “all-in” price, including the mandatory resort fee; at worst, you don’t find out about it until you check out. Customers also complain that hotels don’t tell them about the fees when they make hotel reservations… (more)
