Is it all over for U. S. in Afghanistan?

The report that a rocket was used to shoot down an American helicopter with the loss of thirty Americans is a game changer.

According to USA Today, The downing of a helicopter in Afghanistan that killed 30 U.S. troops, including 22 Navy SEALs, is a tragic loss of highly trained warriors but unlikely to change the way the Americans are fighting the war, analysts said Monday.”

Russia had to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan as a result of the U. S. supplying rockets to the rebels.  For some reason, the Taliban have not had access to such weapons over the past few years which has enabled U. S. to at least contend through air power.

Once helicopters become sitting ducks, we no longer can move troops and suppliers around in this mountainous country.

Therefore the downing of the helicopter portends much of the same in the near future. 

Where are they getting them?   The Chinese?  The Iranians?  The Russians?  The North Koreans?   Certainly not from any friend of our country.
