Irate Democrats Denounce G.O.P on Iran Letter

NEW YORK TIMES: …The recriminations from Democrats threatened to unravel the bipartisan coalition that had been building to oppose a deal, though Democrats also confronted the choice between challenging Tehran and rallying behind the president. “I think Republicans have made it harder for us to approach this in a careful and bipartisan way,” said Senator Tim Kaine, Democrat of Virginia, who has led his party’s push for congressional review of the administration’s policies on war and sanctions, and sponsored a bill that would allow Congress to review any removal of congressionally imposed sanctions against Iran…

Her voice shaking with rage, Senator Debbie Stabenow of Michigan said that while she had opposed the war in Iraq, “I never would have sent a letter to Saddam Hussein.”

Senator Bill Nelson, Democrat of Florida, said, “We can disagree about the specifics, but we still have to honor the institution of the presidency. And when it becomes matters of war and peace, then we’ve got to unify. And that’s why I’m so saddened that we’ve come to the point at which we appear to be so divided.”… (more)
