Iran’s Rouhani: Nuclear Deal Possible by July 20

VOICE OF AMERICA: President Hassan Rouhani urged world powers on Saturday to cut a deal with Iran by a July 20 deadline to end a dispute over its nuclear program, arguing that in any case sanctions meant to restrict its atomic activity have frayed beyond repair.

He told a news conference in Tehran that the economic curbs had been softened by his government’s policy of detente, replacing one of confrontation with the West, and “will not be rebuilt” even if the Islamic Republic and the six big powers fail to reach a final agreement by July 20.

“The disputes can be resolved with goodwill and flexibility … I believe that the July 20 deadline can be met despite remaining disputes. If not, we can continue the talks for a month or more,” he said… (more)

EDITOR: An apparent triumph of tough international sanctions and negotiations over war!
