Iran will cave; North Korea the big problem

Re:  Obama: Iran One Year Away From Nuclear Weapon

It is definitely going to be this year, and sooner rather than later in the year.

I have a hunch that Iran will give in to the demands of the P5+1. And the US will accept some enrichment by Iran. In return some sanctions will be lifted. Israel and by that I mean BiBi will be very unhappy.

In Iran even some of the hardliners feel it is time to give in.

I think the big problem for US is North Korea.

The Iranian currency Rial that had lost 60% of its value against the $ is gaining some of its value back in anticipation of a deal [according to the New York Times.]


1 Comment

  1. Both Iran and N. Korea are problems and have been buying time for years. Time and again, the West backs off, nuclear development advances, and after a few months the West begins to apply pressure again. I see no reason, sans regime change, for the West to believe anything said by either regime. I would also suggest that currency speculation is a poor way to forecast something as important as nuclear proliferation. If anything, the Obama administration will cave and we will have to allow Bibi to do the job. After all, it’s his people the Iranian government has said it wants to annihilate.

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