Iran hails ‘first step’ towards new relationship with west

FINANCIAL TIMES: Iran has heralded a “historic” nuclear deal as just the “first step” towards a new, less hostile relationship with the west as cheering crowds thronged the streets of Tehran and opponents scrambled to respond to the country’s most promising thaw with the US since the 1979 hostage crisis.

President Hassan Rouhani signaled that the draft agreement between Iran and six world powers — the US, Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany — would go beyond the nuclear issue, saying he hoped to see “the end of tensions” with hostile countries, in a clear reference to the US.

Draft terms brokered through 18 months of painstaking diplomacy — and eight days of marathon talks in Lausanne — potentially pave the way for Iran’s return to the international fold, with curbs on its nuclear programme reciprocated by broad sanctions relief… (more)
