Iran deal would create ‘nuclear nightmare’, Netanyahu warns

FINANCIAL TIMES: Benjamin Netanyahu urged the US Congress on Tuesday to defy the Obama administration and block a nuclear agreement with Iran, arguing that more sanctions on the Iranian regime would lead to a “better deal” than the one under negotiation.

In a politically charged speech before a joint meeting of Congress, the Israeli leader said that the deal being discussed would leave Iran with a “vast nuclear infrastructure” and would begin a “countdown to a potential nuclear nightmare” in the Middle East.

In what amounted to an open appeal by the leader of another country for Congress to go against one of the White House’s main priorities, Mr Netanyahu insisted that the proposed deal “does not block [Iran’s] path to a bomb — it paves Iran’s path to the bomb”… (more)

EDITOR: We welcome Prime Minister sharing his views with the American public and its leadership. But we maintain this was neither the time (right before the Israel election) and the place, Congress without both parties joining in the invitation. It seems to us that, through is unprecedented action and speech, he has lost both influence and credibililty with the administration at a time when Israel needs both.
