“Mexican security forces seized at least 105 tons of U. S. –bound marijuana in the border city of Tijuana on Monday, by far the biggest pot bust in the country in recent years.”

WATCHDOG: If the authorities decide to burn the seizure, half of Mexico and the other half of Southern California that is not already ‘stoned’ soon will be.

More seriously, this is but a drop in the bucket of the international drug market which is profiteering from the Drug War.  If legalized, an entire industry would soon be transported to the USA (as well as  from basements to back yards.)  We might even name one of our towns Hemp Field.  

Updated: October 19, 2010 — 11:01 am

1 Comment

  1. Ha Ha Ha! Hempfield! Good one! I was just reading this week- end about the hemp fields of Lancaster County… you think it was used for only rope and weaving??? Hmmmm.

    Key West in the late seventies when I resided there…..was the docking place for many a bale of pot washed ashore and, along with the hundreds of pounds confiscated from smugglers, was stored in a trailer home behind the Key West police station. Periodically, the bales werel burned in a huge bonfire behind the station. Those officers tending the blaze wore gas masks.

    Really, it would be laughable as it plays something like a Keystone Cops film, were it not for the number of people hauled off to prison to be locked up for years and upon release have a criminal record because they sold or possessed marijuana.

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