“Franklin & Marshall College officials are announcing in letters Wednesday they plan to turn a 44-acre plot of woods and wetlands off Harrisburg Pike into an “urban conservancy” of trails, public education stations and restored wetlands, complete with a boardwalk…“The Manheim Township site will become the Keith and Dorothy Spalding Conservancy, in honor of the late college president who had the college buy the property in 1981 and his late wife.”

WATCHDOG: Three shakes of the tail!   This is a wonderful thing for the college and the community and a well deserved honoring of Keith and Dorothy Spalding.

Past F & M president John Fry deserves a share of the credit for bringing this about.  As we have said of Fry “He did the best possible things in the worst possible ways.”

A very influential Lancaster General Health board member and their partner in the ruthless relocation of the freight yard, Fry created a  propaganda machine  at Franklin and Marshall which has recently become a model for LGH.

Updated: September 22, 2010 — 7:03 pm

1 Comment

  1. I take exception, Past President John Fry deserves no credit. His modus operandi of “the end justifies the means” is entirely the wrong message to put forth to the community and future leaders studying at his school(s). What if all of us choose to play by those same rules?

    To give Mr. Fry any credit, is to make an exception for him. You allow him to break the rules that the rest of us follow and then honor him for his disservice.

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