In a Letter to the Editor, Brian Gray concludes:  “I am sickened by the ignorance in this country, ignorance of our Constitution, our basic rights as citizens, ignorance of genuine facts and an ignorance that is arrogantly and proudly spoken and acted out by people who get their news form Comedy Central, who read no newspapers because it might take away from their relentless video games, who watch no news programs because they are too busy texting on their latest phone gadgets and who mistake their distorted view of this world as truth… God help us if we do not turn this tide around.”

WATCHDOG: Two wags of the tail!

Updated: September 9, 2010 — 3:36 pm

1 Comment

  1. Comedy Central nevers claim to deliver the news. Shows such as the Daily Show only point out that you are also NOT receiving news from the cable channels. FOX News is the furtherest from any sort of truth or news. CNN and MSNBC are not far behind.

    Comedy Central is entertainment. But the three networks listed above, although they claim to be news channels, barely, if at all, move beyond partisan Op Eds and entertainment. News? What’s that?

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