An editorial “Measured Success” starts “Have you noticed that Republicans, critical of nearly everything President Obama has done or wants to do, have become strangely silent about one part of the president’s economic plan?  It’s the American auto industry.”

It concludes “The bailouts were never intended to work overnight, but they are working. “

WATCHDOG: A wag of the tail.  However, partisan politics combined with ignorance of economics and short sighted concerns about the national debt are averting a second stimulus package that may be essential to prevent the nation from falling into a double dip recession…or possibly even worse.

Updated: August 24, 2010 — 9:18 am


  1. “Have you noticed that Democrats, in love with nearly everything President Obama has done or wants to do, have become increasingly defensive when anyone questions anything about the administration?”

    The liberal media (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, Lancaster Newspapers, etc all have a very close-minded, self-serving agenda. While FOX News passionately takes “the other side of the road”; it is but one voice as compared to many.

    Maybe it’s time for a viable/sustainable third party that would appeal to the ‘middle of the road’ Americans.

  2. Anyone who can call Lancaster Newspapers “liberal” must have a very limited perspective. The Intelligencer Journal side is moderate, and the New Era side is ultra-conservative.

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