In his column, County works best when we work together”, Jeff Hawkes observes:

“…In effect, a gaggle of cooks prepare our growth management banquet without a master chef to keep egos in check and make sure the dishes complement one another…

No one would suggest that the county’s 60 municipalities are self-sufficient islands with the closest neighbor over the horizon…

“….there are times when a municipality will assert its self-interest to the detriment of the rest of us. How we get around that is by building on the examples of interconnectedness that sprouted in the past 10 years.

“On a regional scale, 11 municipalities adopted the Growing Together comprehensive plan and agreed to ‘address their needs and aspirations with solutions that cross jurisdictional boundaries.’

“And on a countywide scale, a first-of-its-kind economic-development plan is in the works. Its aim is to advance a common economic agenda that leaves no part of the county behind.”

WATCHDOG: Commendable efforts, no doubt.  But sort of like herding cats!  A wag of the tail nevertheless.

By the way, do we need 60 municipalities in the county? Do we need any muncipalities?  Must we forever be a prisoner to history?

Updated: January 8, 2010 — 2:19 pm