Carol Petersen’s column “Lancaster’s ‘visionary’ leaders are on the wrong track” states:

“Wouldn’t it be refreshing if the mayor, city council and those involved in deciding the future direction of Lancaster had some vision?

“I am not talking about grandiose plans. I am not talking about pipe dreams. I am talking about a nice hefty dose of forward-looking vision.

“The city is moving forward with an engineering study on the feasibility of streetcars. Yes, streetcars.

“The same ‘leadership’ that brought us the Lancaster County Convention Center thinks that streetcars are the wave of the future.

“And they managed to talk the county commissioners into a $20,000 grant to help them out….”

After citing multiple reasons why streetcars are a bad idea, she continues:

“Sometimes a good leader is called upon just to pull the plug on a bad idea. I suggest this is one of those times.”

WATCHDOG: Three wags of the tail!

Updated: January 2, 2010 — 1:32 pm