Article reports Four Lancaster County men have been charged in a $400,000 tax-evasion scheme that allegedly was carried out through aliases, offshore bank accounts and bogus paper transactions, officials with the U.S. Attorney’s Office Eastern District of Pennsylvania announced Tuesday.”

WATCHDOG: Without judging the merit of the indictment, this old dog observes that some people simply do not have any sense of the ‘social compact’ whereby each of us has an obligation to the other to  play by the rules. They never mature beyond the infantile stage of ‘me, me, me.’   Without cooperation, our specie would not have survived.

The time was 1947.   An acquaintance of my mother approached us on the street and started a conversation  Uncharacteristically, Mother abruptly cut off the conversation and we walked away.  I asked her why?  She said the man had been convicted of selling counterfeit food coupons during the war.  As far as she was concerned, he might as well have been a pedophile.

Updated: December 9, 2009 — 10:46 am