Article “Turning the page” reports “Herb Landau is a self-proclaimed ‘born-again librarian’… Beginning Monday, Landau will put that philosophy to use in an urban and much larger setting as he assumes the post of executive director of Lancaster Public Library.”

WATCHDOG: Landau brings distinctly different skills to the position than Debra Rosser-Hogben who resigned earlier in the year. Joyce Sands, highly regarded for her stint as acting director over the course of the year, will remain as a deputy to Landau, taking on many detail tasks to free Landau for outreach work with the community and potential donors.

Had Landau been executive director a year ago when the Lancaster Public Library was on the cusp of awarding contracts for a largely funded total renovation (and in addition had expansion plans ready for potential funding from federal stimulus money), by now Lancastrians would likely be experiencing a fully renovated and enhanced Duke Street library and possibly construction taking place to almost double its capacity.

Sometimes human foibles and a confluence of petty circumstances torpedo progress. Regrettably, having been spurned at the last minute after making generous accommodations, it is not likely that the State will soon again approve an application for funding of renovations and expansion. And it may take some bridge building and retirement of board members who at the last minute squelched the renovation project before the confidence of principal private funders of the upgrades will be restored.

Updated: December 5, 2009 — 12:06 pm