Editorial “Debt and Taxes opines:  “How much of the wealth of the richest Americans is untainted by the rigged gaming table of the subprime mortgage market? Worse, how much comes from rapacious investment schemes that pillaged stable and venerable American corporations and squeezed all the jobs out of them in the name of trimming the fat and rewarding the investors?

“Are you unwilling to go even to the extent of closing loopholes or tax avoidance options that never were intended but were the inevitable result of trying to force a tax framework on so fluid a thing as wealth? Is accidental privilege also sacrosanct?

“Higher taxes often discourage economic growth. But doesn’t an unequal tax structure distort the free market by rewarding certain destructive behaviors?”

WATCHDOG: Two wags of the tail!

Updated: August 3, 2011 — 2:15 pm