Main front page article “Hike in hotel room tax is proposed” opens:

The executive director of the Lancaster County Convention Center Authority on Thursday publicly proposed an increase in the county’s hotel room tax.

“Kevin Molloy, whose position has not been adopted by the board of the public authority, said he raised the specter of a higher tax to start a public discussion.

“’If someone sees a better answer, I’m open to that, but I don’t see it out there right now,’ Molloy said… “ (more)

WATCHDOG: This time there was no spin or obfuscation.   The article was written in a straight forward and proper journalistic manner, despite the sordid history of the Lancaster Newspapers, Inc. in its sponsorship of the project and through its one sided business relationship with the Convention Center via its co-equitable ownership of the Marriott Hotel.

This is a big improvement from past coverage.  A wag of the tail!

(Albeit feint praise, it is sincere.)

Updated: January 20, 2012 — 10:42 am

1 Comment

  1. But when is LNP going to get to the real heart of the issue……a “binding agreement” that unfavorably benefits the PSP Hotel ownership, The lack of tax dollars going to the city due to special ‘tax exempt’ status, and the absolutely disgraceful lack of ‘investor’ (not taxpayer) dollars being committted to this whole White Elephant.

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