ArtIcle Man dies in motorcycle crash on 441” reports in part:

”Robert L. Long, 44, of Middletown, was pronounced dead at the scene of the 5:19 p.m. accident by Lancaster County deputy coroners Eric Bieber and Michelle Darlington.

“County Coroner Dr. Stephen Diamantoni said toxicology tests will be performed on the man, but an autopsy is not planned.

” ‘We believe he died of multiple traumatic injuries,’ Diamantoni said…” (more)

WATCHDOG: Growl.  There is no mention as to whether Long was wearing a helmet!   Why does the Intelligencer Journal New Era continue to omit this vital information of keen interest to readers and has the potential of savings lives.

When cyclists and their loved ones are made aware of the danger of riding without a helmet, fewer will do it.

Updated: July 2, 2012 — 9:25 am


  1. What, so you can gloat over a man’s death? How about we fully prosecute the negligent vehicle drivers who kill motorcyclists by the bushel, and publish that. Growl, indeed.

    EDITOR: If the person was not wearing a helmet, then it is important that this be known because it may encourage others to do so.

  2. If a driver is truly negligent, get yourself a lawyer to sue the driver.

    As for the helmet, that’s the motorcyclist insurer’s problem. Personally I wouldn’t insure a motorcycle driver – helmet or not.

    At least under Obamacare injured motorcyclists will have insurance and won’t be leaching off the rest of us.

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