Front page with photo and lead article on web site with photo is an article describing the arrest of a Lancaster youth for exchanging drugs with someone who then later died of an overdose from using a variety of drugs.

WATCHDOG: Were this young man not the son of a prominent local official, it isn’t even likely that the report would have made a back page.   And if this person was not related to an official, he may not even have been charged and, if tried and convicted, he would receive a suspended sentence with the opportunity to purge the felony  from the record in two years for good behavior.

This isn’t about the father; this is about the son.  The son is not a public figure.   So why is this unfortunate event given such prominence?

Is this fair, is this decent, is this ethical?

Some of us believe that editors have a responsibility beyond selling newspapers.

Updated: April 14, 2012 — 7:00 am

1 Comment

  1. Had this been a son of a prominent Democratic official; chances are that the left-leaning LNP would have ignored it all together.

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