From an editorial “Putin and power”:

Putin stunned observers this fall by announcing his intention to swap jobs with current president Dmitry Medvedev and run for president again. He succeeded Boris Yeltsin in 2000 and won a new term in 2004.”

It concludes:  Russians see Putin as a source of stability. The question is, can he stabilize Russia without violating basic freedoms and, if not, how long before the middle class revolts and forces a new election.”

WATCHDOG: The “stunned observers” must all be  at 8 W. King Street because the reciprocal seat swapping was widelyhypothesized from the outset.

The Russian constitution barred Putin from a third consecutive term as president.  President Dmitry Medvedev was widely perceived as subordinate to Prime Minster Putin.

In response to “…how long before the middle class revolts and forces a new election?”, the answer is probably a very long time.

Updated: March 3, 2012 — 1:51 pm

1 Comment

  1. Anything that occurs outside the ivory walls of 8. West King Street ‘stuns’ those that exist within their own stratosphere.

    Just wait (I hope) until the County Commissioners demand a review and modification of the one-sided PSP/Convention Center agreement. Along with the stipulation that the proponents fo this financial fiasco ‘make whole’ the present shortfall,

    Talk about being STUNNED!!!!!!!!

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