In an editorial “A chance to reform state government”, the Intell opines “A constitutional convention would allow people to address systemic shortcomings in Harrisburg to improve state government. It could propose a smaller, more efficient Legislature. It could establish term limits. It could reduce, if not eliminate, unfunded mandates the state imposes on local government. A constitutional convention can only recommend changes to the state Constitution. The public would then vote on those proposed changes in a referendum.”

WATCHDOG: A modest suggestion:

As part of the revision of the state Constitution, all municipalities should be eliminated and replaced by their county government. Both Philadelphia and Pittsburgh are cities and counties. Lancaster County only comprises about half a million people, versus at least twice as much for Pittsburgh and several times as much for Philadelphia.

Think of the savings from eliminating governmental redundancies and the efficiencies in being able to combine police, public health and fire services.

If we are going to think BIG, let’s go all the way. A wag of the tail for this Intell editorial!

Updated: December 24, 2009 — 8:05 am